As a native Californian, I have only been in the snow a few times, and I have never encountered a real “storm” (a hard core storm in California consists of rain and some hail oh no!). I certainly have never been subjected to temperatures in the twenties or even the thirties. In fact, when I told people I was going to Dartmouth, they would say something along the lines of “Do you think you can survive,” or “Please don’t freeze to death.” I would then respond by saying it can’t be that bad- people from the west coast go to east coast schools all the time, right? I mean, it can’t be that cold. Oh how naïve I was…
As the second week of winter term comes to an end, I can officially say that yes, I can survive the cold. I can even survive a blizzard! (Well, it seemed like a legitimate blizzard to me at least, even though a lady in town described it as “wimpy.”) However, I would not exactly describe the temperature as comfortable. More like bone-chilling. We are not even that far into the winter, but it is downright COLD in my personal opinion.
Nevertheless, even though it sometimes feels like the arctic tundra to a sunshine loving Californian such as myself, I can honestly say that I am enjoying the experience of my first real winter. Walking in the snow, watching the snow fall, taking pictures of the snow- all of these things, though commonplace to an east coast dweller, are new and fun for me. I also participated in my first snowball fight this weekend, one that involved the entire college, and I plan on building a snowman soon.
Overall, living here in the winter can be quite enjoyable once you get past the numbing effects of the cold air and the wind. Buy a big coat, a good hat, a few scarves, and some wool socks and you are good to go. Although I was scared of the cold at first, I have come to appreciate the snow and even accept it as a crucial part of the Dartmouth tradition and lifestyle.
-- Meghan Cooney '14, Martinez, CA
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